Episode 126: Jeff Koser

AI – You Can’t Expect What You Don’t Inspect


Jeff Koser

Jeff Koser is the founder and CEO of Selling to Zebras, which is a sales enablement software platform which helps organisations quickly identify opportunities that have a low chance of closing so that your sales team can focus on the ones that they have the greatest chance of success with. He is also the author of the bestselling book “Selling to Zebras- how to close 90% of the business you pursue, faster more easily and more profitably.

Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People

Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of

[01.08] Jeff defines Artificial Intelligence – as to how it relates to sales, how can it do some of the things that sellers have to do manually today that take up time but don’t really help them sell anything. Just a computer trying to figure out how to re-do mundane things that a seller does that are important to the sales function but don’t necessarily produce real value.

[01.49] Jeff explains how AI will impact professional Selling – some people fear that it will reduce the number of sellers out there, within the B2C and B2B space. However Jeff believes that AI will have the opposite effect, with the proliferation of information on the web and through every company sharing as much about themselves as they can, they say that 60-70% of the sale is now completed before prospects pick up the phone. Jeff feels this percentage will increase sales people will have to be better at executing the extra 20%.

[03.08] What advice would you give to an organization considering using AI in their sales process – Jeff advises to look for practical things. An exciting thing for a seller to have from their sales platform would be to have replica prospects from knowing where you’ve had success, having a system that knows where you’ve had success…and able to find three more prospects that look exactly like those you’ve just closed.

[05.15] Which AI Platforms are you currently using or considering – Jeff shares that he is a Salesforce customer and partner

[07.03] Jeff shares his top three Sales AI do’s and don’ts – Do- start to understand what some of the buzzwords mean and Don’t get lost in the buzzwords. Do – take a look at what it practically does for you, let it help you save time, make you more effective and more efficient. Don’t rely on AI as the vehicle that you don’t test, you can’t expect what you don’t inspect so you have to inspect what you’ve been given. Software will drive you into the wreck if you don’t take control and you are behind the wheel. Do – Be a life long learner with AI, continue to study your craft, leverage what tools exist out there and don’t resist the change, as the pace of change will continue.

[11.30] Jeff shares his favourite AI Sales Success story – Jeff shares an example of how a particular piece of Selling to Zebra’s software can help organisations predict their closing percentage with 90% accuracy.

[14.25] Jeff shares why we should be looking at Selling to Zebras – Jeff shares some exciting work that is currently still in progress, Selling to Zebras is creating a voice of the customer through AI. Which will enable organisations to produce case studies as examples of work you have successfully achieved for other customers.

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More About Jeff

What was the last book you read?
The Phoenix Project – it’s about continuous agile development with the ability to eventually get to daily releases of software

Who / What inspires you?
I’m inspired by leaders who are grounded, made of the right stuff, so that any situation is handled with grace and dignity. For example; Dick Bennett, coach of the WI Badgers, who took his team to the Final Four 19th years ago, was asked just after WI beat Purdue to advance;
“Is this one of the greatest feelings that you’ve ever had, getting to the Final Four?
Bennet said this: “From a feeling state, euphoria, yes, it is. But it doesn’t compare with faith, with kids, family, grandkids.’ He said, ‘Because I know what truly matters, it enables me to enjoy what seems to matter like this.”

What aspect of your own Social Selling Program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
We are most focused on analyzing the success a client is having winning Zebras, then using AI to FIND MORE ZEBRAS JUST LIKE THOSE.

Hobbies, Interests?
Love walking, running and boating

How can our listeners contact with you?
Jeff@Zebrafi.com or on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-koser-4a3911a0/

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